Special Vocabulary
and Abbreviations
Often used in Ham Radio
Best Regards
Calling Any Station – Is there anybody out there?
Continues Wave – Morse Code Telegraphy
(Morse Code) – “From” or “This Is”
Distance, esp. Foreign Countries
High Frequency – “Shortwave” Band that travels around the world.
Handheld Transceiver – Walkie-Talkie
Silent Key, Euphemism for a deceased Ham
ITU Phonetic Alphabet
ITU Phonetic Alphabet | ||
Letter | Word | Pronunciation |
A | Alfa | AL FAH |
B | Bravo, | BRAH VOH |
C | Charlie | CHAR LEE |
D | Delta | DELL TAH |
E | Echo | ECK OH |
F | Foxtrot | FOKS TROT |
G | Golf | GOLF |
H | Hotel | HOH TELL |
I | India | IN DEE AH |
J | Juliet | JEW LEE ETT |
K | Kilo | KEY LOH |
L | Lima | LEE MAH |
M | Mike | MIKE |
N | November | NO VEM BER |
O | Oscar | OSS CAH |
P | Papa | PAH PAH |
Q | Quebec | KEH BECK |
R | Romeo | ROW ME OH |
S | Sierra | SEE AIR RAH |
T | Tango | TANG GO |
U | Uniform | YOU NEE FORM |
V | Victor | VIK TAH |
W | Whiskey | WISS KEY |
X | X-Ray | ECKS RAY |
Y | Yankee | YANG KEY |
Z | Zulu | ZOO LOO |
Note: The boldfaced syllables are emphasized. |
Q-Signals | ||
Abbr. | Statement / Question / Description | |
QRG | Your exact frequency (or that of ______) is _________kHz. | |
Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ________)? | ||
QRL | I am busy (or I am busy with ______). Are you busy? | |
Usually used to see if a frequency is busy. | ||
QRM | Noise – Your transmission is being interfered with ______ | |
(1. Nil; 2. Slight; 3. Moderate; 4. Severe; 5. Extreme.) | ||
Is my transmission being interfered with? | ||
QRN | I am troubled by static ______. (1 to 5 as under QRM.) | |
Are you troubled by static? | ||
QRO | Increase power. Shall I increase power? | |
QRP | Low Power – Decrease power. Shall I decrease power? | |
QRQ | Send faster (____wpm). Shall I send faster? | |
QRS | Send more slowly (___wpm). Shall I send more slowly? | |
QRT | Stop sending. Shall I stop sending? | |
QRU | I have nothing for you. Have you anything for me? | |
QRV | I am ready. Are you ready? | |
QRX | I will call you again at ______hours (on ______kHz). | |
When will you call me again? Minutes rather than hours. | ||
QRZ | Who is calling me? or referring to QRZ.com website | |
You are being called by ______(on ______kHz). | ||
QSB | Your signals are fading. Are my signals fading? | |
QSK | I can hear you between signals; and you can: | |
Break in on my transmission. | ||
Can you hear me between your signals and: | ||
If so then can I break in on your transmission? | ||
QSL | I am acknowledging receipt. or a Post Card sent by mail | |
Can you acknowledge receipt? | ||
(of a message or transmission) | ||
QSO | I can communicate with ______ direct | |
Contact or Conversation. ( or relay through ______) | ||
Can you communicate with ______ direct or by relay? | ||
QSP | I will relay to ______. Will you relay to ______? | |
QST | General call preceding a message addressed to all | |
amateur radio operators. This is in effect “CQ ARRL.” | ||
QSX | I am listening to ______ on ______kHz. | |
Will you listen to ______ on ______kHz? | ||
QSY | Change to transmission on another frequency | |
(or ______ is on ______kHz). | ||
Shall I change to transmission on another frequency? | ||
QTC | I have ______ messages for you (or for ______). | |
How many messages have you to send? | ||
QTH | My location is ______. What is your location? | |
QTR | The time is ______. What is the correct time? |