Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I get a hold of you?

Please visit my Contact or Social Media pages.

Are you worried that people on the internet can figure out where you live and travel in real time?

No, I have KILLER Security.

DO NOT arrive without prior authorization for your own safety.

What type of Security?

The very experienced type.

MurderApp, Minnesota?

MurderApp, Minnesota – 4 days after the Murder of George Floyd by State Sponsored Domestic Terrorists.

Disappearances are very common and Safety is a BIG issue, especially in MurderApp, and especially after dark. There’s a half-way house on the block, felons, drug dealers, murderers, drunks, junkies, bikers, and crazy neighbors that don’t fire warning shots first.

Minnesota Naughty or Nice?

Here are a few tips:

  • Respect
  • 1 Person Only
  • Park on the Street
  • Wear Neutral Colors
  • Don’t be a Cop Caller
  • Walking on Grass is Trespassing
  • Bring enough Cash for Consumables
  • Approach Slowly at a Reasonable Hour
  • Hands and Face must be Fully Visible at all times
  • Your Intentions should be Crystal Clear and Obvious
  • Don’t Appear to be Carrying or Concealing Weapons or Firearms

If you are signaled by anyone to leave the property or neighborhood you must immediately comply without hesitation. A “No Solicitors” plaque is visibly posted, otherwise “No Comment”.

I am not to be held personally responsible for your safety or the safety of your transportation and belongings.  I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.